Pedagogical Principles
This web-based textbook is informed by the principles of open pedagogy.

Critical theory demystifies unspoken assumptions behind social phenomena and sheds a new light on ideologies. Critical theory is an empowering tool to show why we think the way we do. It helps us understand the human condition in different contexts.
Introduction to Critical Theory is designed with the principles of universal design proposed by the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design. It draws on theories that are relevant to our contemporary cultural life, and provides case studies to demonstrate how to apply critical theory to cultural analysis.
Alexa Alice Joubin’s short lecture videos, along with ample short clips and film stills, enhance each learning unit (also known as chapter).
This website is not intended to be a stand-alone online course. This online resource, when used in college courses, brings to life many aspects of critical theory that students tend to overlook.
Why the dynamic, non-linear, digital format rather than a PDF or a print book?
Affordable. Compared to print books, digital textbooks (e-books) save students money. In this instance, it is offered free of charge, thanks to support from the grants.
Flexible. It is more inclusive. Students can listen to this book. Students can search within the book. This book is more portable and can be accessed via many means visually and aurally. Students can study on the go. Students’ diverse learning needs will be supported.
Environmentally friendly. This e-book does not use any paper. It is not only cost-effective and flexible but also environmentally friendly.
Multimodal access. Students can access this book on smartphones and tablets as well as computers and laptops. They can use a screen reader to read its contents out loud.
Collaborative. This book allows for easy sharing of contents to facilitate note taking and access with and via other media formats.
Multimedia. As a film studies textbook, this e-book includes a rich array of videos as case studies. The media are updated every semester. It is more media-rich than traditional print textbooks.
Engaging. Therefore, this e-book is far more engaging thanks to its array of audio clips, film clips, footage, animations, and full-color illustrations (along with alt texts).